Pediatric SLPs
Candace, SLP
“I am able to make more money now than when I was working 40+ hour weeks.”
Dana, SLP
School SLP Looking to Make Money "On The Side" via Her Speech Therapy Private Practice
Tanya, SLP
5 Clients in 2 Months Using The Start Your Private Practice System
Adult SLPs
Alina, SLP
Furloughed to Starting Her Own Adult-Focused SLP Private Practice
Marie, SLP
“I love connecting with adult-focused private practitioners in Start Your Private Practice"
Katie, SLP
"I have patients that I get to see my way and I get to serve ethically and evidence-based without any sort of administration breathing down my neck."
Cindy, SLP
“I now commute 10 minutes to work and I get to see adult clients I love.”

One Year Later/Alums
Briana, SLP
From Beginner 12 Clients in a Few Months
Natalie, SLP
1st Year of Private Practice: Office, Contractors, Clients and Time With Family
Amanda, SLP
Former School SLP with Two Young Kids Now Growing Her Speech Therapy Private Practice
Tami, SLP
From Beginner to Private Practitioner to Mentor
School SLPs
Lauren, SLP
Established SLP in private practice Lauren Meglen shares why SLPs should start private practices
Mongoli, SLP
“I was a subcontractor with a caseload of 120 students and was overworked, burnt out and wanted something better and different for myself because I truly love being a speech therapist.”
Anissa, SLP
Former School SLP Starting a Telepractice-based Speech Therapy Private Practice
Feeding/Swallowing SLPs
Panika, SLP
Future Pediatric and Adult Swallowing / FEES SLP Private Practitioner
Meaghan, SLP
Starting a Mobile FEES Business and Opening a Brick and Mortar SLP Private Practice
SLPs With Kids Starting Private Practices
Angela, SLP
“This program is like paint by number with all of the steps laid out and easy to follow.”
Alexia, SLP
“I was supposed to go back from maternity leave when the whole Covid thing started and I just didn’t feel comfortable with the way the things were handled at my previous job.
Rachel, SLP
“I was able to launch my private practice way sooner than I thought I was going to be able to.”

Canadian SLPs
Kathy, SLP
“The course has helped me get all of my ducks in a row.”
Jenae, SLP
“I love knowing that all of my i’s are dotted and my t’s are crossed and I’m not missing anything.”
Bilingual SLPs
Ayleen, SLP
“Bilingual SLP Ayleen Started Her Private Practice During Covid-19”
Claudia, SLP
"From Beginner to Bilingual Private Practitioner to Mentor"
Erin, SLP
“As a therapist, we don’t go to business school, so this has been wonderful for me.”
Eliana, SLP
“The biggest risk you’ll ever take is not starting.”
General SLPs
Kelly, SLP
“I am Type A and I really like how organized the course is.”
Ainsley, SLP
"I Started a Debt-Free Speech Therapy Private Practice"
Leasonna, SLP
"From DOR at a SNF to starting her own private practice"
Katie G., SLP
“I joined Start Your Private Practice because I wasn’t satisfied with my career.”
Brittany, SLP
“I don’t want to work for a company, I want to be my own boss.”
Molly aka Mary, SLP
“My goal is to earn extra money so that I can renovate a home with my fiance.”
Brenna, SLP
“I’m preparing for my family’s upcoming move to a new state.”
Heather, SLP
“I am tired of working for other people and not feeling like I’m being paid what I deserve.”
Michele, SLP
"I started my private practice on my birthday since I was tired of not having the autonomy I desired."
Erin D., SLP
“I was providing telepractice during the school closure due to Covid and highly recommend this course.”
Kim, SLP
“I never thought that with less than 10 years of experience I could venture into private practice but I have started acquiring a couple clients and am seeing them on a regular basis.”
Renee, SLP
“I’ve always wanted to have my own private practice since I was an undergrad.”
Lauren, SLP
“I unfortunately lost my job and I decided that I’m going to make the most of this and start working for myself.”
Olga, SLP
“I am applying to become a provider with insurances and I’m marketing to doctors.”
Taryn, SLP
"I'm based in NYC and work in the schools and want to be more flexible."
Lee, SLP
"I want to have the flexibility and freedom to do the things I love.”
Lyssa, SLP
“I’m interested in being my own boss.”